
Jonathan Spalter

Strengthening Digital Solidarity Across the Globe

The Administration’s proactive stance on international cybersecurity collaboration marks a pivotal turning point amidst heightened geopolitical tensions, cyber threats from foreign adversaries and strategic rivals. At a recent RSA Conference, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, alongside Ambassador-at-Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy Nathaniel Fick, unveiled a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that promises to fortify our digital defenses and enhance global cyber diplomacy.

The “Building Digital Solidarity: The United States International Cyberspace & Digital Policy Strategy” is not just a response to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, but a forward-thinking blueprint designed to recruit valuable allies in our continuous fight against global cyber threat actors.

Secretary Blinken recognized the importance of technology leadership in foreign affairs and shared the critical role innovation plays in our competition with geopolitical rivals. He further emphasized that our ability to “design, to develop, to deploy technologies will determine our capacity to shape the tech future, and naturally, operating from a position of strength better positions us to set standards and advance norms around the world.”

Secretary Blinken’s vision of a secure digital future resonates deeply with the mission of broadband providers, who strive to deliver safe and reliable services to their customers. His efforts to build strong alliances and promote shared cyber norms are essential for creating a cohesive global cybersecurity framework, which will ultimately benefit our nation’s broadband sector by providing a more secure and stable environment for their operations.

Acknowledging the importance of forming effective global cyber alliances, Ambassador Fick shared, “It’s easy to pick on one kid at the playground. It’s harder to pick on 30 kids.” By championing the importance of cyber diplomacy, Ambassador Fick is urging that cybersecurity remains a top priority on the international stage, which is the only way to address globally dispersed digital threats.

The Administration’s cybersecurity strategy is a call to action for all stakeholders in the digital ecosystem. Broadband providers along with other critical infrastructure, government agencies, and international partners must collaborate closely to implement these measures effectively. By working together, we can enhance our collective security posture and ensure that our digital future is both resilient and secure. USTelecom commends this initiative and stands ready to support its implementation.
