August 2, 2018
Background: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) considered seven items during its August 2, 2018 Open Commission Meeting, including the Wireline Infrastructure Report and Order (WC Docket No. 17-84; WT Docket No. 17-79) on pole attachments, and the Connected Care Pilot Program Notice of Inquiry (WC Docket No. 18-213) supporting telehealth services.
The following statement can be attributed to Jonathan Spalter, President & CEO, USTelecom:
“The Commission’s reforms to archaic pole attachment regulations are a big win for America’s broadband consumers. Marketplace rate parity will help spur broadband deployment and competition in all areas of the country—including for our most rural communities and families.”
“In moving forward with a Connected Care Pilot Program, the FCC has once again signaled its support for equal digital opportunity for all Americans. Broadband-enabled telehealth services—supported by broadband innovators in every corner of the country—are a lifeline for rural Americans. USTelecom thanks Commissioner Carr for his leadership on this important topic.”
Media Contact:
Brian Weiss, VP of Media Affairs | 202.326.7226 | [email protected]