Wanted: A Connected Candidate

America is entering the homestretch of the 2020 election season, and there is no question the pandemic has changed the nature of the campaign trail.

Our hope? Candidates relying on broadband to virtually reach voters remember the indispensability of broadband on the other side of November 3.

Now more than ever, it is essential anyone running for office – from the White House to the statehouse to city hall and beyond – make the issue of broadband connectivity a centerpiece of his or her policy platform and a core component of a 21st century governing agenda.

Even before the pandemic sent America home, many were already emphasizing broadband connectivity.

But now?

Now, nobody doubts the critical role broadband plays in our lives. Every national aspiration is rooted in the strength and reliability of broadband networks. The collective future of our communities, families, health and wealth, runs through a nation connected by broadband.

USTelecom has relaunched The Connected Candidate: Roadmap to a Connected America, a comprehensive guide to the issues and positions all candidates – on both sides of the aisle and up and down the ballot – should embrace to advance America’s connected future via broadband accessibility, modernization and security.

Here is our roadmap to a connected future:

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